
How To Improve Patient Compliance in Orthodontics

July 23, 2020

Patient compliance is crucial for great outcomes Everyone who works in healthcare knows about the importance of patient compliance. The more diligent patients are about following their prescribed treatment, the better results they’ll get. The tricky part for many orthodontists and dentists is how to […]

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How to Take Your Practice Into the Digital Age

July 16, 2020

Are you using technology to enhance your Orthodontics practice? Healthcare is in the midst of a digital health revolution. The invention of the smartphone and other mobile devices has brought about new opportunities for doctors and patients like never before. The digital age has also […]

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Why Your Patients Want Telehealth Today

July 14, 2020

Telehealth Is Here To Stay The industry of healthcare is notoriously slow to change. The COVID pandemic has pushed many within the industry, including orthodontists and dentists, to adopt new technologies so they can continue to see patients and keep their practices open. One of […]

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Treating Patients How They Wish to Be Treated

January 2, 2020

If you had told me, 25 years ago when I began my career in orthodontics that we would be moving teeth with plastic aligners, I probably would have laughed you right out of my office. It’s mind-boggling to look back at a time when orthodontists only had wire braces to straighten teeth and to see how far things have come. It is no longer possible to believe that aligners are not here to stay.

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